Resolution Approving the Sale of Real Estate in Bedford, Iowa #
WHEREAS Taylor County, Iowa, owns the following real estate situated in Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa:
The East Two-thirds (E2/3) of Lot One (1) in Block Twenty (20) and the West Twenty-two feet (22’) of Lot “J” in Block Twenty-five (25), all in the Original Town of Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa, also described as parcel no. 0423020101000, located at 203 Main Street, Bedford, Iowa.
WHEREAS said property is not currently being used by the County for any public purchase, and there is no anticipated manner in which the property would be used for a public purpose in the foreseeable future; and
WHEREAS the County is currently responsible for the expenses of insurance, maintenance, mowing, and other costs for said property; and
WHEREAS a public hearing has been held concerning the sale of said property, and notice of said hearing has been given according to statute; and
WHEREAS the Board has determined that the above-described property is no longer needed for the public purpose it had previously served, there is no public purpose for which the County can utilize these properties at this time and it will be in the best interest of the County to sell this property to all said property to generate future property tax revenues; and
WHEREAS the Board has decided to sell the property to Parrish Marr and Wanda Marr, husband and wife, for Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00).
IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Board that it shall sell the following real estate situated in Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa:
The East Two-thirds (E2/3) of Lot One (1) in Block Twenty (20) and the West Twenty-two feet (22’) of Lot “J” in Block Twenty-five (25), all in the Original Town of Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa, also described as parcel no. 0423020101000, located at 203 Main Street, Bedford, Iowa.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that said properties shall be purchased by Parrish Marr and Wanda Marr, husband and wife, for Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00).
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairperson of the Board is hereby authorized to execute and record all documents necessary to implement this resolution.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the Board.
Dated this 8th day of June, 2023.