March 2nd 2023 Meeting Minutes

The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 2, 2023.

Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, all present. Also present: Corey Leftwich, Josh Good, Matt Churchill, Tim Bomgardner, and Kimberly Watson.

Watson motioned to approve the minutes from February 23rd, as well as approve the agenda for today’s meeting. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.

There were no public comments. Bomgardner left the meeting.

Watson reported on his committee meeting with Southern Hills Regional Mental Health. Fitzgerald reported on his EMA meeting where the budget was discussed. Fitzgerald also reported on his meeting with Crossroads, where financials were discussed.

Jim Rowe joined the meeting.

Savage presented remotely regarding the agenda items for Secondary Roads. He advised there were no utility permits for approval. Savage presented the contract for pavement markings which came in under the estimate for a total of $134,346.44. The Board discussed how to execute the contract and potentially using Resolution 2023-10 to allow Justin Savage to execute the contract on behalf of the County. Beggs motioned to approve Resolution 2023-10 as stated, Watson seconded. MC 3-0.

Savage advised there have been issues with the furnace at the Secondary Roads office. He presented two quotes for furnace replacement. Watson motioned to approve the quote of $5,570 for furnace repair as discussed. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.

The Board discussed with Savage, the initial All-Systems Permit routes for Taylor County to join in the program, and potentially amend the routes in the future once the bridge reports become available. Beggs motioned to approve joining the program with the discussed routes. Watson seconded. MC 3-0. The routes being approved will be available on the Taylor County website. Crystal Drake joined the meeting. Rowe and Churchill left the meeting.

The Board revisited 203 Main Street to decide how they want to liquidate the property. Options were discussed on the different methods to list the property and the best way to recoup the money for the County. The Board advised they are requesting that the County Attorney prepare the legal notices to be advertised in the paper and online for listing the property for sale. The Board will contact realtors to determine the amount it would cost to list the property on MLS,

without a seller’s agent. When the legal notices and ads are ready, the Board will discuss the amounts they would like to see as the minimum bid amount for the sealed bids. Drake left the meeting.

The Board discussed the plans for grounds maintenance for the Courthouse. Watson contacted Tim Davison via phone who maintains the grounds for the Courthouse. Davison advised that his bid to maintain the grounds was accepted years ago and wasn’t put up for bid again due to his prices not changing. The Board decided to continue to utilize his services since the prices have not changed.

The Board discussed the single bid received for the EMA generator. A bid was received from Ronald Thompson for $200 to purchase the EMA generator and trailer. Beggs motioned to approve the sale as described. Watson seconded. MC 3-0.

The Board reviewed and approved equipment disposal forms for County inventory.

The Board reviewed the liquor license renewal for The New Era. Watson motioned to approve the renewal of the liquor license. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.

The Board reviewed tax credit applications for approval. Watson motioned to approve the applications as requested. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.

Clinton Spurrier joined the meeting. Spurrier advised the Board that there is continuing Opioid litigation that is expanding to include pharmacies that were distributing the opioids. Spurrier requested a decision from the Board on whether they would like to participate in possible settlement negotiations. Watson motioned to approve the County Attorney to pre-sign the Opioid Settlement negotiations. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0. Spurrier left the meeting.

The Board reviewed and approved claims to be paid.

The Board reviewed topics for discussion in future meetings. Beggs motioned to adjourn the meeting. Watson seconded. MC 3-0.

Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman, Board of Supervisors

Corey Leftwich, Auditor

<a href=""/>Meeting Agenda</a>