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Board Of Supervisors

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Board Of Supervisors
Taylor County, Iowa
Department information

405 Jefferson St.,  STE 1
Bedford, IA 50833
Phone: 712-523-2060
Fax: 712-523-2895

Ronald Fitzgerald

District 1

Phone: 712-523-2060
Fax: 712-523-2895
Email Mr. Fitzgerald

Kim JON Watson

District 2

Phone: 712-523-2060
Fax: 712-523-2895
Email Mr. Watson

Jack Beggs

District 3

Phone: 712-523-2060
Fax: 712-523-2895
Email Mr. Beggs

The County Board of Supervisors meets every Thursday beginning at 9:00 a.m. All meetings are open to the public unless for purposes described in Code of Iowa Chapter 21, a closed meeting is necessary or advisable to protect the interests of individuals or The County.  All persons are invited to take an active role in Taylor County government.

Agenda appointments will need to be scheduled by completing the online form.  You may address the supervisors (without an appointment) while they are in session if you are willing to wait your turn of an unscheduled agenda time, however no action will be taken until it is placed on the agenda.

The Board minutes are maintained by The County Auditor.

Ronald Fitzgerald represents Taylor County and it’s interests on the following Boards and Committees:

Ronald Fitzgerald

District 1

Emergency Management Commission
Wellness committee
ATURA (Adams, Taylor, Union, Ringgold, Adair)
Taylor County Board Of Supervisors Vice-Chairman Of The Board

Kim Watson represents Taylor County and it’s interests on the following Boards and Committees:

Kim Watson

District 2

Southwest Iowa Trolley
Hungry CaNyons
Southern Iowa Resource Conservatoin & Development
Heart Of Iowa
Taylor County Board Of Supervisors Chairman Of The Board

Jack Beggs represents Taylor County and it’s interests on the following Boards and Committees:

Jack Beggs

District 3

Adams/Taylor Landfill
Ambulance board
Enterprise Zone Commission
Taylor County Courthouse security Committee
<a href=""/>Meeting Agenda</a>