April 4, 2024 Meeting Minutes



The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 4, 2024. Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson, and Beggs all present.  Also, present Auditor, Judy Henry Justin Savage, Rob Welch, and Greg Hart joined by phone.  Beggs made a motion to approve the minutes and agenda.  Watson seconded the motion.  MC 3-0. 

Public Comments:

No comments

Committee Report:

No reports.

Secondary Road Report:

There were no Utility Permits to submit. Savage presented 2 Performance Bonds for the Contracts approved at the March 28th, 2024, meeting.  Beggs made a motion to approve the Performance Bond for Contract 87-C087-060.  Watson seconded the motion.  MC 3-0.  Beggs made a motion to approve the Performance Bond for Contract 87-C087-71.  Watson seconded the motion.  MC 3-0.  Savage presented the Board with an updated version of the 5-year plan for the Secondary Roads Department.  Savage added 2 Bridges to the prior plan. 

Planned Bridge Work:  Fiscal Year 2025: Clayton 4, Marshall 4 and Benton 17. Fiscal Year 2026: Polk 23 & Ross 9.  Fiscal Year 2027: Washington 23, Marshall 13 and Mason 9. Fiscal Year 2028: Ross 14 and Washington 11.  Fiscal Year 2029: Grant 5 & Ross 6-Truss and Airport Road.  Watson motioned to adopt the Secondary Roads 5 Year Plan.  Beggs seconded the motion.  MC 3-0. 

The Board discussed an engineer replacement.  There have not been any applicants and adjoining Counties are not interested in a sharing agreement currently.  Until a replacement can be found Savage said he would be willing to help on a month-by-month basis.  Watson made a motion that effective April 8th, 2024, Savage would receive $3200 monthly as contract labor.  Beggs seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Beggs-Yea, Watson-Yea, Fitzgerald-Yea. Nay – 0.   Motion carried.  3-0. Attorney Spurrier will draw up an agreement. 


Native Hard Wood submitted a quote for ceiling construction on the lower level of the Courthouse. The Board inspected the progress on the floor on the lower level.

Representatives with Heart of Iowa Region presented a 28E Agreement to create a mental health and disability service regional administrative entity for local access to mental health and disability services for adults and children.  Watson made a motion to accept the 28E Agreement with Heart of Iowa.  Beggs seconded the motion.  MC 3-0.

Auditor Henry presented the updated version of the Courthouse Security Plan.  Watson made a motion to accept the plan.  Beggs seconded the motion.  MC 3-0. 

Crystal Drake joined the meeting to discuss the generator and labor quote for the Public Health Office.    Drake stated she contacted several contractors but could only get 1 response.   Watson made a motion to accept the Labor bid of $2616 and the generator bid of $24,564 from Drake Electric. Beggs seconded the motion. MC 3-0. 

Cole Walters joined the Board to discuss the possibility of an Attraction Grant.  Cole also wanted to discuss the future of Taylor County and what the Board is doing to attract people to move to the County.  The Board stated they had just had a Quad County meeting with Adams, Union and Ringgold County’s to discuss the same topics. 

Watson made a motion for the Board to take a recess to hold the Proposed Levy Tax Public Hearing.  Beggs seconded the motion. MC 3-0.  The Board took a recess at 11:15 a.m.

Beggs made a motion to return from the recess.  Watson seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 3-0.  Board returned at 12:05 p.m.

Sheriff Josh Weed joined the Board to discuss hiring 2 part time dispatchers.  Beggs made a motion to allow Sheriff Weed to hire 2 part time dispatchers.  Watson seconded the motion.  MC 3-0. 

The Board signed an Employee Insurance Buyout.

Beggs had contacted Calfee Welding about repairing the railing on the North Side of the Courthouse. Watson made a motion to allow Calfee welding to do the repairs to the railing at a cost of $600, which included fabricating, painting and installation. Beggs seconded the motion.  MC 3-0.

Old Business:

Culp spoke with the Board on a couple of minor repairs that need done thru out the Courthouse.

The Board reviewed and approved claims to be paid.

The Board discussed topics of discussion for future meetings.

Watson made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.

The Board of Supervisors approve these minutes to be published in the Taylor County Board of Supervisors Minute Book:

    _____________________________ Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman Taylor County Board of Supervisors    __________________________________ Attest, Judy Henry                            Taylor County Auditor
<a href="https://www.taylorcounty.iowa.gov/meetings/july-2nd-2024-meeting-agenda/"/>Meeting Agenda</a>