February 24th 2022 Meeting Minutes

February 24, 2022
Supervisor Wilmarth called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
The Board stood and said the pledge of allegiance
Roll call Supervisors: Fitzgerald and Horton, and Wilmarth and Auditor Bethany Murphy.
Horton made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to approve the agenda with the addition of a handwritten check and the minutes from the work session as well as the last meeting. Motion carried 3-0.
There were no public comments.
There were no committee reports.
Belinda Ogle, Sandy Boswell, Sharon Dalton, Shellia Culp, and Julie Robinson joined the meeting to discuss dental insurance. The Board tabled the decision on the Dental Insurance.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to approve the handwrite for Stew Hansen for $47,880.00. Motion carried 3-0.
Tim Guilliett, Jason Wetzel, Charles Ambrose, Robert Cockran, Jackie Minor, Chip Schultz, Josh Weed, Shellia Culp, Colleen Larimor, Joel Hardee Tesia Hardee, Jess Weller, Bill Henderson, Stan Mattes, and Tanner Peterman joined the meeting.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Horton to open the public hearing. Motion carried 3-0.
A discussion was held on the proposed Courthouse Elevator Project. Many in attendance would like to see the project go forward but would like it brought before the voters. There were also those that felt it was continuing a tax that was told to the voters would end when the project was complete.
Horton made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to close the public hearing. Motion carried 3-0.
Tim Guilliett, Jason Wetzel, Charles Ambrose, Robert Cockran, Jackie Minor, Chip Schultz, Shellia Culp, Colleen Larimor, Joel Hardee Tesia Hardee, Jess Weller, Bill Henderson, Stan Mattes, Tanner Peterman left the meeting.
Kathy Silvestre joined the meeting from Swanson Auto Finance form Shenandoah on service civil papers through the Sheriff’s Department. Weed with work with Silvestre to see the issue gets addressed.
The Board discussed the prior public hearing and decide it would be best for the Courthouse Elevator Project to be placed on the ballot of the November Election. The Board consulted with Schultz on steps need to be taken to get the measure on the ballot. Horton made the motion seconded by Fitzgerald to put the Courthouse Elevator Project to a vote of the people in November. Motion carried 3-0.
Horton made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to go into closed session for an IT interview. Motion carried 3-0.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Horton to come out of closed session. Motion carried 3-0.
Horton made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 3-0.
Pam Wilmarth, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
Attest: Bethany Murphy, Auditor

<a href="https://www.taylorcounty.iowa.gov/meetings/july-2nd-2024-meeting-agenda/"/>Meeting Agenda</a>