March 15 2024 Meeting Minutes



The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 21, 2024, Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson and Beggs present.  Also present:  Judy Henry, Rob Welch, and Justin Savage.

Watson made a motion to approve the Minutes from March 14, 2024, meeting and Agenda for today’s meeting.  Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0.

Public comments:

Watson read a letter from Kay Lucas stating she will not be able to decorate the display case anymore.  The Board stated they really appreciated all her years of tending to the display.

Committee Report:

Beggs attended the Adams/Taylor Landfill meeting.

Secondary Roads:

There were no utility permits to present.  Savage gave the Board an update on current road work.  Beggs had approached Adams County about sharing an Engineer since they will lose theirs in June.  Becky Bissel, Auditor for Adams County, stated her Board was not in favor of sharing at this point. The Board discussed publication options for placing an ad in area and statewide sources and a starting wage for a new Engineer.

New Business:

Crystal Drake reported the Ambulance can become an Essential Service in the County.  She is currently working with the County Attorney Spurrier to get the process started and meet all the dates for publishing for the General Ballot.  The Board will have to have a public hearing before making EMS an Essential Service.  An Advisory Council will need to be developed to attempt to educate the public about the need for the EMS Service.    Watson made a motion to move forward on publicizing in the paper making EMS an Essential Service and entertain the idea of making a Resolution to support EMS.  Beggs seconded the motion.  MC 3-0.

Judy Henry, Auditor presented her Budget for review by the Board. 

Watson made a motion to go into Closed Session at 10:05 for an Employee Review. Beggs seconded the motion.  MC 3-0.  The Board returned from Closed Session at 10:28. 

Dana Davis, Josh Weed, Julie Robinson, Belinda Ogle, Crystal Drake, Lindsay Sonksen, and Holly Cavin joined the meeting to discuss FY24/25 Health Benefits.  Watson made a motion to switch to a single-$500 deductible, $1000-Family deductible.  $1000 single, $2000 family out of pocket max, and to require employees on the Family plan to pay $400 towards the premium.  Also to move the Insurance Buyout to $325 and allow the Wellness Committee to use up to $5000 on employee events. 

Old Business:

Culp spoke with the Board on a couple of minor repairs that need done thru out the Courthouse.

The Board reviewed and approved claims to be paid.

The Board discussed topics of discussion for future meetings.

Beggs made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Watson seconded. MC 3-0.

The Board of Supervisors approve these minutes to be published in the Taylor County Board of Supervisors Minute Book:

    _____________________________ Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman Taylor County Board of Supervisors    __________________________________ Attest, Judy Henry                            Taylor County Auditor
<a href=""/>Meeting Agenda</a>