The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 2, 2023.
Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, all present. Also present: Corey Leftwich, Josh Good, Rob Welsch and Jim Rowe.
Beggs motioned to approve the minutes from January 26th and January 30th, as well as approve the agenda for today’s meeting. Watson seconded. MC 3-0.
Welsch advised the Board there is a landowner’s dinner at the Lenox Community Center at 5:30 on Tuesday. The dinner is to advise the landowners of progress made on wind projects, and that wind measurement towers have been erected. Welsch left the meeting.
Leftwich addressed the Board with a public comment for Matt Strueby, requesting an update on the previously discussed tax abatement for rural properties. The Board advised they will revisit the discussion at the next regular meeting.
There were no committee reports to discuss.
Rowe provided updates on Secondary Roads to the Board, as well as discussed some of the techniques and tools being used to maintain county roads and bridges.
Rowe left the meeting. Cole Walters joined the meeting.
The Board discussed the end of the introductory period for Good and a wage adjustment to bring his wages closer in line with industry standards. Good described the ways in which he is saving the county money by utilizing his skills as an in-house IT manager, as opposed to having to outsource many of the current initiatives and operations of the County. The Board discussed bringing his wages up $6,000 effective immediately. Watson motioned to approve the wage adjustment as described, Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.
Walters presented on behalf of Taylor County Partners (TCP). He provided a recap to the Board of the organization, partners and progress that has been made. He answered questions about potential funding sources and progress made on obtaining funding. He described how this program could assist in meeting the goals and visions being developed by the County. He described the current request for funding of $25,000 to move the project forward with ARPA funding. The Board agreed to follow up
on the ability to utilize funds for the purpose of “wellness” and the Connect Center and follow up with TCP in two weeks.
Crystal Drake and Sarah Guilliatt joined the meeting. Walters left the meeting.
Good presented a request to the Board, to begin an initiative to improve the infrastructure of the Courthouse through the addition of a server room and enhancing the wiring of the network in the Courthouse. He advised the Board of the risks associated with the current location and environment of the servers regarding security and longevity of the hardware. Watson motioned to have Good begin working on constructing a server room, with additional conversations being held under closed session pursuant to Iowa Code. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.
Drake and Guilliatt presented to the Board, the proposed budget for the Public Health department for FY24. They discussed the anticipated revenues and expenditures, as well as what the County contribution would be to ensure a balanced budget. Drake also described the Public Health 3.0 initiative to enhance services to the residents of the County through a Community Health Worker apprenticeship program. They continued describing many of the programs and services offered by Public Health, and the desire to improve utilization of these programs by the residents. They also discussed where funding comes from and what steps are being taken to balance funding with the services offered, with the residents being the focus of their efforts. They ended their presentation with an update on the latest Wellness Committee meeting and goals.
Drake and Guilliatt left the meeting. Shellia Culp joined the meeting.
Culp and Leftwich presented to the Board a request for the purchase of a new backpack vacuum for the Courthouse. Culp described the nature of her duties and the benefit the backpack vacuum would have. Watson motioned to approve the purchase, Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.
The Board reviewed the Boards & Commissions up for reappointment. The annual reappointments for discussion for Medical Examiner are Dr. Bethel Kopp, Dr. Stephen Gruba, and Dr. Fernando. The annual reappointment for discussion for Medical Examiner Investigator is Lisa Brown. The reappointment for discussion for the 3 year term of the County Commission on Veterans Affairs member was for Erik Wiard, for a term that would end July 2025. The reappointment for discussion for the 5 year term of the Conservation Board member would be Josiah Rusk, for a term that would end 12/31/2027. There were two reappointments for discussion on the Civil Service Board, with Bob Riddle, whose 2 year term would be extended to 12/31/24 and Elaine Israel, whose four year term would end 12/31/26. Also up for discussion would be the entire Taylor County Eminent Domain Compensation Commission. Beggs motioned to reappoint all existing members to new terms. Watson seconded. MC 3-0.
The Board reviewed and approved claims to be paid.
The Board reviewed topics for discussion in future meetings. Watson motioned to adjourn the meeting, Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.
Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman, Board of Supervisors
Corey Leftwich, Auditor
The Taylor County Board of Supervisors meet regularly on Thursdays beginning at 9:00 a.m. All meetings are open to the public unless, for purposes described in Code of Iowa chapter 21, a closed meeting is necessary or advisable to protect the interests of individuals or the county. All persons are invited to take an active role in Taylor County government.
*Agenda appointments will need to be scheduled through the Taylor County Auditor’s Office. The deadline for new appointments is 4:00 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the meeting.