The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:06 a.m. on Thursday, June 29, 2023. Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, all present. Also present: Corey Leftwich, Josh Good and Justin Savage.
Watson motioned to approve the minutes from June 22nd with corrections, as well as approve the agenda for the meeting. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.
Dennis Norton and Rob Welch spoke during public comments regarding the wind turbines.
Fitzgerald reported on his committee meeting with Crossroads. Watson reported on his committee meeting with So. IA Trolley and Mental Health.
Savage presented an update to the Board on Secondary Roads. He advised he doesn’t have any utility permits for approval.
Savage provided the Board with corrugated pipe quotes he received via sealed bids. The Board opened, reviewed and discussed the quotes.
Savage presented funding agreements to the Board with Hungry Canyons for projects HC 23-7, HC 23-8, and HC 23-9. Beggs motioned to approve the projects as described. Watson seconded. MC 3-0.
Savage presented a quote to the Board from Blacktop Service Co. for seal coating in the amount of $47,859.00. The seal coat would improve the life expectancy of Badger Ave. from Hwy J35 to the end of the existing seal coat at 200th Street. The Board advised they would like to see a quote for the curves to be repaired instead of the quote that was presented.
The Board reviewed Resolution 2023-22, a Secondary Road Quarterly Transfer Resolution to transfer funds to Secondary Roads from the Rural Service Fund. Watson motioned to approve the resolution as stated. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.
Cole Walters, Tom Borland and Rozanne Seela presented updates to the Board on their request for funding from LOST funds for Economic Development purposes. The Board advised they would like to provide a directive to the County Attorney to assist with contracting with economic development organizations in Taylor County for economic development services.
The Board reviewed the suggested responses to the IMWCA site visit that occurred on May 2nd, 2023. The Board contacted Jack Reed to confirm that the Return-to-Work Policy is current and doesn’t need any revisions. Watson motioned to approve the responses as suggested. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.
Beggs motioned to go into closed session under Iowa Code 22.5(1)(j) to discuss the possible purchase of a Public Health Office. Watson seconded. Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, voted aye. No nays. MC 3-0.
The Board returned from closed session with no action taken.
Beggs motioned to go into closed session under Iowa Code 21.5(1)(k) for records protected by Iowa Code 22.7(50); as well as CJIS 5.5.2 to discuss possible improvements to infrastructure related to Courthouse security. Watson seconded. Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, voted aye. No nays. MC 3-0.
The Board returned from closed session. Beggs motioned to rescind the “Security Camera and Video Policy”, the “Security Related Information Policy”, and the “Password Management and Security Policy” based on the discussion in closed session. Watson seconded. MC 3-0.
The Board reviewed and approved Homestead Credit and Exemption applications, as well as Insurance Buyout applications and claims to be paid.
The Board reviewed the Liquor License for renewal for the Taylor County Fair. Watson motioned to approve as presented. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.
Savage presented the corrugated pipe quotes for final approval. Savage recommended to go with the low quote. Beggs motioned to select Metal Culverts Inc, for $114,813.25. Watson seconded. MC 3-0.
The Board reviewed topics for discussion in future meetings. Beggs motioned to adjourn the meeting. Watson seconded. MC 3-0.
Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman, Board of Supervisors
Corey Leftwich, Auditor