October 13, 2022
Supervisor Wilmarth called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
The Board stood and said the pledge of allegiance.
Roll call Supervisors: Fitzgerald, Horton, and Wilmarth and Auditor Bethany Murphy. Also, present Kim Watson, Justin Savage, and Rob Welch.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Horton to approve the agenda for today’s meeting and the minutes to the last meeting. Motion carried 3-0.
There were no public comments.
There were no committee reports.
Savage presented plans for a pavement marking projects for all the Farm to Market roads in the county. This project will not happen until the spring or summer of 2023.
Treasurer Dana Davis presented the 28E with the DOT for driver license. Horton made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to approve the 28E for driver’s license. Motion carried 3-0.
The Board tabled the Flood Plain Ordinance until October 27, 2022.
The Board approved the claims to be paid.
Horton made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to purchase a 2008 Toyota Corolla for $7,500.00 from Damewood Auto for Public Health. Motion carried 3-0.
The Board discussed the property taxes on 0931300401000. Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Horton to take no action on the property taxes on 0931300401000. Motion carried 3-0.
The Board approved the monthly payment to Secure Benefits for $3,548.29.
The Board reviewed the Recorder Quarterly Report.
Horton made a motion seconded Wilmarth to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 2-0.
Pam Wilmarth, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
Attest: Bethany Murphy, Auditor