June 16, 2022
Pam Wilmarth called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m.
Roll call Supervisors: Horton, Wilmarth, and Fitzgerald with OSHA at the Courthouse and Deputy
Auditor Sue Cox.
Kim Watson also present for the meeting.
Horton made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to approve the agenda for today’s meeting and the minutes
to the last meeting. Motion carried 2-0
There were no public comments.
Justin Savage, Engineer, joined the meeting.
Committee reports:
Horton attended an ambulance meeting. They discussed the essential service vote that could be on
the ballet. It was discussed that it would be a good idea to put it on the ballet.
Justin Savage, Engineer, discussed approving his contract. Deputy Cox asked about his vacation.
Should it be a lump sum or is it supposed to be accrued each month? After discussion, it will be
accrued each month with a carry over maximum of three weeks (120 hours). Wilmarth asked that the
decision be added to his contract and brought back to the Board next Thursday for approval.
Fitzgerald motion Horton seconded approval of Resolution 2022-26 authorizing the engineer to
certify completion of contract projects. Motion carried 3-0.
Justin and Ron attended the Hungry Canyon meeting. They both thought it was a very informative
Justin also attended a training in Independence, IA. It was about bridge renovation. They used
ultra-high performance concrete that was developed Korean University. He was impressed with the
projects they had done, and the information received.
Shellia Culp joined the meeting to discuss OSHA agent, Joanna Wilson, doing an air test today for
the smell in the lower level of the Courthouse. The OSHA agent could not taste or smell anything
during her visit. The air tests she took will take approximately two weeks to get back the results.
Jackie Minor, Ewart Insurance, joined the meeting to talk to the Board about the increase in
insurance for equipment and buildings. Justin Savage, Engineer, had called Ewart Insurance to ask
for prices on insurance if it would be changed to replacement costs instead of value. $44,000
increase on the replacement for the equipment and the buildings. 1.8 million more in coverage for
$9,000 increase. The Board stated they would like replacement cost to be considered. They would
also like Jackie to come back with quotes for $1,000 deductible for vehicles and $2,500 deductible
for buildings. This will be back on the agenda for Thursday, June 23, for approval if new quote is
received. There have been
some claims that should have not been reported as claims and just paid which will help our 140%
loss on vehicles. The Board stated they would like all claims to be brought to the Board before
Horton motioned and Fitzgerald seconded the approval of $50.00 cell phone reimbursement per month
for Josh Good, IT Director.
Crystal Drake and Sarah Guilliatt joined the meeting to discuss the status of their grant
The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IDEA) notified entities with open Community Development
Block Grant COVID-19 (CDBG-CV) grant applications that the grant would be cancelled prior to the
announced due date due to low grant funds. Due to this, the anticipated grant funds that were to be
used for renovation of the new public health building at 203 Main St. will not be available. This
was not the result of anything done by the public health office or the grant writer. The Board
discussed other alternatives.
The Public Health office collaborated with MATURA Action Inc. to complete the 1ˢᵗ Five Healthy
Mental Development grant RFP for FY23. They were successful and awarded the grant as a partnership
between the two entities. The Iowa Department of Public Health originally stated the grant would
start July 1, 2022. However, the start date has now been pushed back to January 1, 2023. IDPH did
offer a grant budget amendment for the current 1ˢᵗ Five grant contract (held by TCPH) that included
additional funds to keep the program working for an additional 6 months.
Public Health received funds through the current Public Health Emergency Preparedness grant to bore
fiber internet and update telephone services to the new public health building at 203 Main St. in
Jack Beggs joined the meeting.
Since the grant funds are not available, the Board stated they would like to take bids from local
contractors to see if it would take less than $300,000. They will contact contractors to bid the
project after Crystal and Sarah meet with the Board on Wednesday, June 22 at 5:00 p.m. to review
what is a mandatory need for the construction.
Chris Newhouse called in about several properties that Taylor County holds the tax certificates.
There is a couple in New Market and three in Clearfield. She would like the County to waive the
interest charges on these properties and Chris’ company in Omaha will take deed to the properties.
There was discussion that the county has not done this in the past and the decision was tabled
until additional information can be obtained.
The Board discussed the proposed elevator project and ARPA funds with the candidates that won the
primary election for Board of Supervisor. After discussion, everyone decided that it would be best
to put this on the ballot in November to let the public decide. They would like to know the steps
to get this included on the ballet for November. Deputy Cox said she would let Auditor Murphy
explain that at the next meeting.
No old business.
Discussed and reviewed agenda items for meeting on June 23, 2022.
Horton made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 3-0.
Pam Wilmarth, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
Attest Sue Cox, Deputy Auditor