January 21st 2021 Meeting Minutes

1 min read

January 21, 2021
The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with Doug Horton, Ron Fitzgerald, Pam
Wilmarth, and Auditor Bethany Murphy present.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to approve the minutes of last meeting and todays
agenda. Motion carried 3-0.
JD King and Belinda Ogle joined the meeting for the Secondary Roads FY22 budget ask.
Wilmarth made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to approve Resolution 2021-13 concerning
Confidentiality of Security Recordings. Motion carried 3-0
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to approve Resolution 2021-14 concerning
Confidentiality of Courthouse Security Plan. Motion carried 3-0.
Wilmarth made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to update the Weapons Policy. Motion carried 3-0
The Board took a phone call from John McKean from the Villisca Public Library asking for support
for FY22 budget.
The Board approved the claims to be paid.
Fitzgerald gave a report on Workforce Development meeting he attended.
Clint Spurrier joined the meeting to discuss the Covid Leave Policy and Work from Home Policy.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to approve the Covid Leave Policy and Work from Home
Policy. Motion carried 3-0.
Auditor Murphy presented her budget request for FY22. Treasurer Dana Davis presented her budget
request for FY22. Recorder Rick Sheley presented his budget request for FY22.
No further business came before the Board at this time, and the meeting was adjourned subject to
Doug Horton, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
Bethany Murphy, Taylor County Auditor

<a href="https://www.taylorcounty.iowa.gov/meetings/july-2nd-2024-meeting-agenda/"/>Meeting Agenda</a>