August 17th 2023 Meeting Agenda

Ronald Fitzgerald District 1Kim Watson District 2Jack Beggs District 3


DATE:           August 17, 2023

PLACE:         405 Jefferson Street, Bedford, IA 50833 – Board of Supervisors’ Room

TIME:            9:00 a.m.

  1. Call Meeting to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call of Supervisors
  2. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
  3. Public Comments (limited to two minutes per person if not on the agenda)
  4. Committee Reports (if applicable)
  5. Secondary Roads (starting at 9:05)
    a. Secondary Roads update and possible approval of utility permits (as applicable)
    b. Discuss and approve Funding Agreement for project STP-S-C087(60)—5E-87
    c. Discuss and approve Compensation Estimate for STP-S-C087(60)—5E-87
    d. Discuss and approve appointment of Taylor County Title VI/ADA Coordinator
  6. New Business
    a. 9:30 – Discuss and approve Conservation Board resignation and appointment
    b. 09:35 – Discuss and approve Conservation grant funding and purchases
    c. 09:50 – Discuss and approve hiring for position of Auditor
    d. 10:05 – Discuss and approve Sheriff to hire a deputy
    e. 10:15 – Approve claims to be paid
  7. Discuss and start agenda items for next meeting
  8. Adjournment

The Taylor County Board of Supervisors meet regularly on Thursdays beginning at 9:00 a.m.  All meetings are open to the public unless, for purposes described in Code of Iowa chapter 21, a closed meeting is necessary or advisable to protect the interests of individuals or the county.  All persons are invited to take an active role in Taylor County government.

*Agenda appointments will need to be scheduled through the Taylor County Auditor’s Office.  The deadline for new appointments is 4:00 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the meeting.

<a href=""/>Meeting Agenda</a>