Resolution 2023-17 – Resolution Setting Hearing for Property Disposition

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RESOLUTION NO.  2023-17 #


            WHEREAS, the County has an interest in certain real estate described as:

            The East Two-third (E2/3) of Lot One (1) in Block Twenty (20) and the West 22 feet of Lot “J” in Block Twenty-five (25), all in the Original Town (now City) of Bedford, Taylor County, Iowa, also described as parcel no. 0423020101000.  Also described as: 203 Main Street, Bedford, Iowa 50833

            WHEREAS, the County is desirous of disposing of its interest in the above legally described property pursuant to Code of Iowa Section 331.361;

            WHEREAS, the County has received an offer for the purchase of the property;

            THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Taylor County Board of Supervisors: That after public hearing pursuant to Code of Iowa Section 331.361(2) the Board of Supervisors sets June 8, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. as the date and time for sale of the property.  The public hearing to be held June 8, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. in the Board of Supervisors Room at 405 Jefferson Street, Bedford, IA 50833.  The County Auditor shall publish notice of the public hearing and copy of this resolution in accordance with Code of Iowa Section 331.305.

PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of May, 2023.

The vote on the resolution:

AYES:                       ______________________________

          Ronald Fitzgerald


                                  Kim Watson


          Jack Beggs

                                                            NAYES:                     None

ATTEST:  _______________________________

Corey Leftwich

Taylor County Auditor

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