October 13th 2022 Special Meeting Agenda

Taylor County Board of Supervisors

Ronald Fitzgerald – District 1

Doug Horton – District 2

Pamela Wilmarth – District 3


DATE:            October 13, 2022

PLACE:         Taylor County Annex

TIME:            12:30 p.m.

  1. Call Meeting to Order
  1. Roll Call of Members
  1. New Business
  2. Closed session under Iowa Code 21.5.i Interview Candidates for Auditor
  1.  Adjournment

The County Board of Supervisors meet regularly Thursdays beginning at 9:00 a.m.  All meetings are open to the public unless, for purposes described in Code of Iowa chapter 21, a closed meeting is necessary or advisable to protect the interests of individuals or the county.  All persons are invited to take an active role in Taylor County government.  Agenda appointments will need to be scheduled through the Taylor County Auditor’s Office by Tuesday before the meeting on Thursday.

<a href="https://www.taylorcounty.iowa.gov/meetings/july-2nd-2024-meeting-agenda/"/>Meeting Agenda</a>