The Taylor County Conference Board met at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26th, 2023.
Chairperson Fitzgerald called the meeting to order. Members present: Ronald Fitzgerald, Kim Watson, Jack Beggs, Matt Churchill, Richard Brown, Chris Knox, Randy Kernen, Charles Ambrose, Melissa Douglas, Frank Sefrit, Dennis Brown, Jack Spencer, and Monty Douglas were present. Also present: Corey Leftwich.
Kernen motioned to approve the agenda and the minutes for April 18th. Churchill seconded. MC 13-0 with all in favor.
Julie Robinson, Lynda Mackey, Laura Jones, Cheryl Walston, Randy Sleep, John Walston, Rick Sheley, Russele Sleep, Claire Sawyer, Annie Brill, Stan Mattes, Jacque Lenhart, and Judy Henry all made public comments.
Leftwich presented the reappointment to the Board for Joe McNees, for another term on the Board of Review. Beggs motioned to reappoint Joe McNees for another term. Melissa Douglas seconded. Ronald Fitzgerald, Kim Watson, Jack Beggs, Matt Churchill, Richard Brown, Chris Knox, Randy Kernen, Charles Ambrose, Melissa Douglas, Frank Sefrit, Dennis Brown, Jack Spencer, and Monty Douglas all voted aye. MC 13-0.
The Board then moved to discuss the appointment of Bethany Murphy as Taylor County Assessor for the remainder of the term vacated by her predecessor. The voting groups disbursed into different areas of the Courtroom to discuss Murphy and her appointment to Assessor. Ambrose motioned to appoint Bethany Murphy to Assessor as stated. Churchill seconded. The three voting groups returned to take a roll call vote. Churchill, Knox, Kernen, Ambrose, and Dennis Brown voted aye to appoint. Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, Richard Brown, Melissa Douglas, Sefrit, Spencer, and Monty Douglas voted nay to appoint. Motion fails to appoint Bethany Murphy as the Assessor for Taylor County.
Churchill motioned to adjourn the meeting. Melissa Douglas seconded. MC 13-0.
The Conference Board approves these minutes to be published in the Taylor County Conference Board Minute Book:
__________________________________ Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairperson Taylor County Conference Board | __________________________________ Corey Leftwich, Preparer Taylor County Auditor |