March 23rd 2023 Meeting Agenda

Ronald Fitzgerald District 1Kim Watson District 2Jack Beggs District 3


DATE:             March 23, 2023

PLACE:           405 Jefferson Street, Bedford, IA 50833 – Board of Supervisors’ Room

TIME:              9:00 a.m.

  1. Call Meeting to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call of Supervisors
  2. Approval of Agenda and Minutes
  3. Public Comments (limited to two minutes per person if not on the agenda)
  4. Committee Reports (if applicable)
  5. Secondary Roads (starting at 9:05)

a. Secondary Roads update and possible approval of utility permits (as applicable)

b. Discuss and possibly approve funding agreement for STP-S-C087(60)—5E-87

  1. New Business

a. 9:30 – Work session to discuss County goals, mission statement, and vision

b. 11:00 – Closed session discussion on Sheriff’s Office union negotiations and arbitration

i. Closed session conducted under Iowa Code 20.17(3)

  1. Discuss and start agenda items for next meeting
  2. Adjournment
<a href=""/>Meeting Agenda</a>