Resolution 2023-16 – Resolution Approving Elected Official Compensation

7 min read


WHEREAS, the Taylor County Compensation Board meets annually to recommend a compensation schedule for elected officials for the fiscal year immediately following, in accordance with Iowa Code Chapters 331.905 and 331.907, and

WHEREAS, the Taylor County Compensation Board met on December 14, 2022 and made the following salary recommendations for the following elected officials for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 20­­23:

   Elected Official          Current Salary          Proposed Increase          Recommended Salary

   Auditor                       $ 56,353.63              10%                                 $ 61,988.99

   County Attorney         $ 73,498.95              10%                                 $ 80,848.84

   Recorder                     $ 56,353.63              10%                                 $ 61,988.99

   Sheriff                         $ 78,858.89              $3,000 then 10%             $ 90,044.77

   Supervisors                  $ 24,612.96              10%                                 $ 27,074.25

   Treasurer                     $ 56,353.63              10%                                 $ 61,988.99

______ OPTION 1:

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Taylor County Board of Supervisors adopts the salary recommendations for elected officials for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023 as recommended by the Taylor County Compensation Board.

__X__ OPTION 2: (if different than compensation board recommendation)

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Taylor County Board of Supervisors approves the following salary adjustments for the following elected officials for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023:

Elected Official              Approved Salary      Approved Increase     

   Auditor                       $58,889.54               4.5%                               

   County Attorney         $76,806.40               4.5%                               

   Recorder                     $58,889.54               4.5%                                       

   Sheriff                         $85,426.83               $2,500 then 5%              

   Supervisors                  $25,720.54               4.5%                               

   Treasurer                     $58,889.54               4.5%

Approved this 17th day of April 2023.

TAYLOR County Board of Supervisors                         ATTEST:

________________________                                                            ________________________

Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairperson                                                                                              Corey Leftwich, Auditor

AYE:                                                               NAY:

______________________________            ______________________________

Ronald Fitzgerald, Supervisor                                           Ronald Fitzgerald, Supervisor

______________________________            ______________________________

Kim Watson, Supervisor                                                    Kim Watson, Supervisor

______________________________            ______________________________

Jack Beggs, Supervisor                                                       Jack Beggs, Supervisor

<a href=""/>Meeting Agenda</a>