Resolution 2023-14 – Approval of FY 2024 Maximum Property Tax Dollars

Approval of FY 2024 Maximum Property Tax Dollars

WHEREAS, the Taylor County Board of Supervisors have considered the proposed FY 2024 county maximum property tax dollars for both General County Services and Rural County Services, and

WHEREAS, a notice concerning the proposed county maximum property tax dollars was published as required and posted on county web site and/or social media accounts if applicable,

WHEREAS, a public hearing concerning the proposed county maximum property tax dollars was held on April 3, 2023,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Taylor County that the maximum property tax dollars for General County Services and Rural County Services for FY 2024 shall not exceed the following:

General County Services – $3,359,484

Rural County Services – $1,331,135

The Maximum Property Tax dollars requested in either General County Services or Rural County Services for FY 2024 represents an increase greater than 102% from the Maximum Property Tax dollars requested for FY 2023.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes:                                        Nays:

_______________                  _______________

_______________                  _______________

_______________                  _______________

Passed and adopted the 17th day of April 2023.

__________________________________    _____________________________________

Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman                          Attest: Corey Leftwich, Taylor County Auditor

Taylor County Board of Supervisor

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