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Bid Notice

Building Located at 203 Main Steet, Bedford, Iowa

The Taylor County Board of Supervisors is now accepting bids for the renovation of the building located at 203 Main Street, Bedford, Iowa.

The project must be completed no later than June 1, 2023.

For specific details and bid documents, please contact the Taylor County Auditor at 712-523-2280 or at . Bid Packets may be picked up at the Taylor County Auditor office at 405 Jefferson Street, Bedford, Iowa 50833. Bids shall be for the entire project, start to finish. Bids are due on December 15, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. and must be received in the Taylor County Auditor office no later than said date and time. Bids must be submitted with a bid guaranty of $1,000.00.

A certified check or cashier’s check, made payable to Taylor County, Iowa, drawn upon a solvent bank or a bid bond, shall be filed with each proposal in an amount as set forth in the proposal form. Failure to execute a contract and file an acceptable performance bond and certificate of insurance within ten (10) days of the date of the approval for awarding of the contract, as herein provided, will be just and sufficient cause of the denial of the award and the forfeiture of the proposal guarantee.

Submit Bids to:

Taylor County Board of Supervisors

405 Jefferson Street

Bedford, Iowa 50833

Bids will be opened and considered on December 15, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. at the Taylor County Board of Supervisors office. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. The Taylor County Board of Supervisors is an equal opportunity employer.

<a href=""/>Meeting Agenda</a>