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Passport Information

The Taylor County

Auditor's Office

is a passport acceptance agent for the U.S. Department of State Federal Passport Agency.

The friendly and knowledgeable staff at the Auditor’s  office can assist U.S. citizens, who meet the passport application requirements, with obtaining a U.S. Passport Book and/or Passport Card.
The passport application is available in our office or online.

Passport application
Passport cost

Items needed to apply for a Passport Book or Passport Card:

1.   Passport application – print legibly in black ink. DO NOT sign until the application is presented to the accepting agent.

2.   Two identical passport photos.

3.   A certified copy of your birth certificate and/or previous passport. The birth certificate must be issued from the state or the county, NOT the hospital.

4.    Driver’s license or other government issued photo ID.

5.    Two checks for each application. Money orders are acceptable. We do not accept debit or credit cards.

6.    Each person applying for a passport must present themselves to the acceptance agent, including children.

7.    Parental consent is needed for minor children.

If applicant is 16 or 17:

      a.    Applicant must appear in person, sign application and show driver’s license.

      b.   Parental consent is required by at least one parent appearing in person with their driver’s license.

If applicant is UNDER 16: 

      a.   Applicant must appear in person.

      b.   Parental consent is required by BOTH parents appearing in person with their driver’s license. Ask for details if one of the parents is unable to appear
             in person.

Passport applications are accepted in the Taylor County, Iowa Auditor’s Office Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. 

We are consistently open during the lunch hour; however, there are occurrences that may not be avoided that require our office to close during the lunch hour.  Please feel free to contact our office at 712-523-2280 if you plan to stop in during the lunch hour. 

Applications need to be in our office prior to 3:00 p.m. to ensure same day delivery to the post office.

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