September 19, 2024 Meeting Minutes

3 min read



The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 19, 2024. Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson and Beggs present.   Also, present Auditor, Judy Henry, Jim Rowe, Rob Welch, Mike DeVoe and Darin Schlapia.

Watson made a motion to approve the agenda for today and the minutes from September 10 and September 12, 2024, Board Meetings.  Beggs seconded the motion.  MC 3-0. 

Public Comments:


Committee Report:


Secondary Road Report:

Rowe held discussion on bridge project progression.  Interim Engineer, JD King has been seeking out grants for Secondary Road projects for Taylor County.

Discussion was held on increasing the Engineer advertised salary to try and catch some interest in finding a permanent Engineer.  Prior range was $85,000 to $130,000 depending on experience and qualifications. Henry reported the statewide average is $131,000.   Watson made a motion to change the starting range as $85,000 to $145,000.  Beggs seconded the motion.  AYES: Fitzgerald, Beggs and Watson.  NAYS: 0.  MC 3-0. 


The Board signed Taylor County Employee Insurance buyouts.

Darin Schlapia, with NEW Cooperative, requested a letter of local approval to convert an existing 18,000 NH3 tank at the Lenox location.  The tank will be used to store and handle LP Gas to area customers.  Watson made a motion to provide a letter of approval. Beggs seconded the motion.  MC 3-0.  Henry provided a letter of approval for the Boards signature.

Mike DeVoe requested to have a partial abatement on a property he had purchased at 804 Main St., New Market.  DeVoe made prior contact with the Assessor’s Office last year to have the dwelling removed from the taxes. The dwelling burned in December 2022.  Watson made a motion to correct the tax figures for Mike Devoe.  Beggs seconded the motion. MC. 3-0.

Dan Wyckoff joined the meeting to discuss the possibility of setting a date for the Courthouse active shooter training. Treasurer Davis requested to wait until the September tax period was over.  Auditor Henry requested to push it off until the General Election was over in November.  Wyckoff stated November will work.

Auditor Henry, Treasurer Davis and Assessor Cavin met with the Board to discuss abatements for the 2023 Valuation corrections. Henry will keep an excel list to present to the Board for approval on any corrections.

Henry presented Resolution No. 2025-4; Resolution Establishing a County Compensation Board.  Watson made a motion to accept the Resolution.  Beggs seconded the motion. 

AYES-Fitzgerald, Watson and Beggs, NAYS-0.  MC.

Henry presented Resolution No. 2025-5 Secondary Road Quarterly Transfer in the amounts from Rural Services- $297,505.50; General Basic Fund-$21,658.25; LOST-$35,410.04.  Watson made a motion to approve the transfer.  Beggs seconded the motion.  AYES-Fitzgerald, Watson and Beggs, NAYS-0.  MC.


Shellia Culp reviewed Courthouse updates.   

No Auditor update.

The Board worked on items for the next meeting.

Claims were reviewed and approved.

Beggs made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Watson seconded the motion. MC 3-0. Meeting adjourned.  

The Board of Supervisors approve these minutes to be published in the Taylor County Board of Supervisors Minute Book:

    _____________________________ Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman Taylor County Board of Supervisors    __________________________________ Attest, Judy Henry                            Taylor County Auditor
<a href=""/>Meeting Agenda</a>