The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 2, 2024. Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson, and Beggs all present. Also, present Auditor, Judy Henry, and Jim Rowe. Watson made a motion to approve the minutes from April 25, 2024, Regular Meeting and Public Hearing minutes, also the agenda for today’s meeting. Beggs seconded the motion. MC 3-0.
Public Comments:
Committee Report:
Watson attended the Southern Iowa Trolly Board Meeting.
Secondary Road Report:
Row presented a utility permit for Southwest Iowa Rural Electric for 150th St., between Yellowstone and Tennessee Streets. Beggs made a motion to accept the utility permit. Watson seconded the motion. MC 3-0.
Row and Mike Bowman presented information about purchasing lots in New Market to extend the area for the road grader shed. Watson made a motion to pay $3500 for the New Market lots owned by Cabbage Brothers, Inc. Beggs seconded the motion. MC 3-0.
New Business:
The Board opened mowing bids for the Taylor County Home Cemetery. The bids ranged from $50 to $200, Garrison Motsinger having the lowest bid. Watson made a motion to award the mowing to Motsinger. Beggs seconded the motion. MC 3-0.
Auditor Henry reported to the Board that many departments have shown interest in purchasing On Demand Software for document storage. The State Auditors stated it would make their job quicker if we had the software so they can access the needed reports themselves. It would also cut back on paper costs and storage. Watson made a motion to allow Solutions to provide On Demand for the County. Beggs seconded the motion. MC 3-0.
Henry presented Resolution 2024-14, Elected Official Approved Salary for FY24/25. The Board had approved a 4% raise at the Budget Hearing. Beggs made a motion to approve Resolution 2024-14. Watson seconded the motion. MC 3-0.
Old Business:
Culp and Henry spoke with the Board about the many electrical problems they have been having in the Courthouse. When the electricity goes out, the security system can keep the courthouse doors from locking. Keith Bennett will be looking over some of the problems and getting back to the Board. Culp shared other minor concerns with the Board that need fixed.
Chief Deputy Assessor Holly Cavin joined the Board stating she received a resignation letter form Assessor Clerk Paige Beason. Beason’s last day will be May 15, 2024.
The Board reviewed and approved claims to be paid.
The Board discussed topics of discussion for future meetings.
Beggs made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Watson seconded. MC 3-0.
The Board of Supervisors approve these minutes to be published in the Taylor County Board of Supervisors Minute Book:
_____________________________ Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman Taylor County Board of Supervisors | __________________________________ Attest, Judy Henry Taylor County Auditor |